Site icon How To Deal With Crazy People

Crazy people are bossing you around.



And it’s not going to stop anytime soon.  Because the crazy person is your boss, your parent, your teacher, your spouse, someone with power that you don’t have.  Yet.

So how do you fight the insanity when the other person is in a more powerful position? Some of you have considered this question and decided to give up, wait for later, or keep fighting battles you don’t win.  It’s wearing you down to a hopeless, embittered mess that doesn’t resemble the person you really want to be.  You go along to get along, hoping something will change.  But it doesn’t.  Power may not corrupt, but is sure attracts the corruptible.  Don’t expect a rescue from the person who’s making your life miserable.  You’re gonna have to do that for yourself.

So here’s your short introductory course on guerrilla warfare.  Power to the People!


Any good manifesto of freedom has a section of wrongs done to you, the freedom fighter, followed by a listing of the rights you’re fighting for.  Here’s a listing of your rights.  Feel free to add  more.

  1. I have the right to keep my cool at all times.  No one can make me feel bad, crazy, helpless, etc, without my permission.  I do not give permission.  I will remain calm if only to annoy the people that want me to go off.  I know that calm allows me to think more clearly and keep my eventual escape plan firmly in mind.  I will not have judgement that is clouded by anger and easily manipulated ever again.
  2. I have the right to ask for help, opinions, and accountability from outside this relationship/ business.  No matter how many times I am told not to air my dirty laundry or betray your trust, I know that I have the right to speak.  I will pick people that are trustworthy, confidential, and supportive.  I will talk to a therapist, my friends, and mentors.  I will keep business secrets that need to be kept, but all personal issues are on the table for discussion.  I refuse to betray myself with silence any longer.
  3. I have the right to a plan of escape including; an emergency fund of money no one else knows about, a credit card in my name only, business contacts that I maintain ties with, mentors in other fields, a future that does not include contact with you if you continue your negative behaviors, taking classes to expand my skill set, and I will leave when it is the best time for me irregardless of your needs.
  4. I have the right to ignore what you say about your motives and judge you on the behaviors you have actually displayed to me.  God knows your motives, all I’ve got is your behavior.  Your apologies become meaningless when they are repeated right along with your bad behavior.  I will never again give up my right to self-esteem based on what you say about my character.  I am a good person.  Good people demand good behavior and walk away when they don’t get it.  I’m walking.
  5. I have the right to use your power against you since you have repeatedly undermined mine.  I will watch you, know you, and wait for the moment when your decisions can be used against you.  There are so many things you have taken from me.  You will never take my mind or my right to use it towards my freedom.  I will take any route I have to.  If you’ve made my escape route the path that mows you down, that was your decision.  I do not have to feel guilty for how you set up this situation.


Photo by IDF on the IDF photo stream, Flickr. (no political alliances are suggested or implied by the use of this picture.  Some dismay at how long it took to find a picture of a woman with a gun that wasn’t overtly sexualized is outright stated.)

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